Droom niet je hele leven, maar leef je dromen!

Thank you, stars.

Lieve allemaal,

Na het lezen van mijn weblog over 'de sterren', hoef ik denk ik geen uitleg meer te geven bij dit nummer. Zo mooi! Dankjewel lieve mama dat je de tekst van dit nummer op mijn weblog heb geplaatst. Het past er helemaal bij. So thank you, mama!

Liefs, Esmee

Some call it faith, some call it love.
Some call it guidance from above.
You are the reason we found ours,
so thank you stars.

Some people think it's far away.
Some know it's with them every day.
You are the reason we found ours,
so thank you stars.

There are no winds
that can blow it away on the air.
When they try to blow it away's
when you know
it will always be there.

To some it's the strength to be apart,
to some it's a feeling in the heart.
And when you're out there on your own,
it's the way back home.

So thank you, stars


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